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Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

At LCS we believe that social and emotional learning is integral to academic success. A number of tools have been blended together to create an SEL program that specifically develops skills in self-recognition & emotional self-management, empathy toward others, conflict resolution and problem-solving.

​Key components within Social Emotional Learning include:

  • SLO's (School-wide Learning Outcomes), integrated into all of our lessons and interactions with students throughout the day.

  • Mindfulness, which creates space for students, changing their impulsive reactions to more thoughtful responses.

  • Positive discipline/alternatives to suspension. We understand that students are still developing an understanding of school expectations, friendships, and countless other skills required to navigate a school setting. With that in mind, our discipline policy/student guidance plan, focuses on a restorative approach to addressing any negative behaviors which may occur at school. Restorative systems include: mediation, conversations, reflection time, repairs, community service, goal plans, and much more.

Google Classroom es el portal donde los maestros publican tareas, comparten anuncios, recopilan el trabajo de los alumnos y brindan comentarios en un solo lugar. Todos los estudiantes, grados 5-12, tienen su propia cuenta de Google Suite que incluye un correo electrónico LCS, Drive, Docs, Classroom y aplicaciones Google Meet.

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