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Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

At LCS we believe that social and emotional learning is integral to academic success. A number of tools have been blended together to create an SEL program that specifically develops skills in self-recognition & emotional self-management, empathy toward others, conflict resolution and problem-solving.

​Key components within Social Emotional Learning include:

  • SLO's (School-wide Learning Outcomes), integrated into all of our lessons and interactions with students throughout the day.

  • Mindfulness, which creates space for students, changing their impulsive reactions to more thoughtful responses.

  • Positive discipline/alternatives to suspension. We understand that students are still developing an understanding of school expectations, friendships, and countless other skills required to navigate a school setting. With that in mind, our discipline policy/student guidance plan, focuses on a restorative approach to addressing any negative behaviors which may occur at school. Restorative systems include: mediation, conversations, reflection time, repairs, community service, goal plans, and much more.

Special Education Program

The vision of Larchmont Charter School’s special education program is to ensure life success and/or college success by providing quality instruction to all students with special needs in the least restrictive environment. Larchmont Charter implements a pull-out/push-in method in providing services for students with special needs. Although Larchmont Charter cannot implement a full co-teaching model, opportunities for co-teaching will be developed during push-in time. SPED and general education teachers are expected to collaborate in differentiation of instruction and modification of curriculum for students with special needs.


Larchmont Charter also provides speech, occupational therapy, counseling, adapted physical education, educational-related mental health services, recreational therapy, vision therapy, deaf/hard of hearing, and behavior intervention supports. Larchmont Charter also implements an intensive social skills program called BASES (Behavior Analysis and Social Education Services) for the elementary program and a transition program where we partner with various agencies including the Department of Rehabilitation for the We Can Work program. We also provide an alternative curriculum for our students who are on the Certificate of Completion track.


Our goal for our students with special needs is to master strategies and skills to compensate for their disability to enable them to demonstrate learning or proficiency/mastery of the common core standards with the end goal of being exited from the special education program prior to high school graduation. 


For more information regarding Larchmont Charter's Student Support Services and special education, please contact Myra Salinas at


See additional resources below:


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